
Posts Tagged ‘Phil Cameron’

Phil Cameron over at Resolution Magazine has a lengthy review of Heavy Rain up that I pretty much agree with. Phil’s a little more effusive in parts than I am, and I am still digesting the narrative shenanigans I mentioned in my post last night, but he said what I would have said. (Phil references the lack of narrative truthiness in his piece as well, and as a writer/designer/author I’m really having to chew on that …)

He also points out something obvious that I completely missed when I was talking about Quick Time Events – the Paragon/Renegade scene interrupt option in Mass Effect 2 are absolutely QTEs using a symbol rather than explicit button graphic as the prompt. Frankly, the entire conversation mechanic in Mass Effect 2 is basically a QTE scheme and it works just fine, thank you.

I also have to give Phil points for invoking the Talking Heads. :::golf clap:::

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